This is a special post for people who look to market their contests using videos online. In the first half of 2019, most of the marketers used videos to market their business online. Is video marketing worthy for 2020? The answer is YES! People love to see videos than reading content of 1000’s of words. When top star posted a live video on Facebook last month, he got 10000 viewers right away. This is a simple example to know about the effectiveness of video marketing. To know the popular contests list, you can check our recent post here.
Let’s look how to create top quality videos to market any contests and polls online.
1. Hire a video creator/ photographer
To make your video standout with your audience, you have to create the video with top quality. Video creator or photographer may greatly help to get such video. You can hire photographer on your local area. Social media platforms like freelancer and fiverr can help you to hire video creators online.
Many app available online to create videos and you may think they are enough to create videos using photos and music. But to make your video standout you must need something special in your video. Catchy titles using succinct words surly help you to get more clicks for your video.
Invest your time in creating the video with top quality and you can get super benefits from it for sure. Adjust your budget to 2% from your profit for video creating every week. Top marketers post 1 video every week to keep their visitors as fans and followers.
2. Presentation tricks
It starts with the size of the video presentation on Facebook feed. When the video filmed with 16×9 format and you can’t get square video in your feed. But when you know the right tricks you can make the 16×9 format to square video. A recent post on social media examiner provide great guide to find how to change the 16×9 format video to square. You can read the full guide here.
The guide clearly explains about how to change the video size presentation with iphone and android phone. When you present the video with square shape, your viewers only can see the video instead of any content. So title and video pop up on their screen. It tempts the users to click the video. Since have placed the top quality video, the visitors will surly love the video.
James the owner of “james contest idea” said that, he got 20 plus contestants for his contest when he used square video presentation.
3. Apply right ingredients to make the top quality video
You can ask your fans to tell their wish about the video they want. Analyze their comments and messages and create a solution video to that task. This is what we called the foundation to create the top quality video.
Google search engine offers related key terms to any niche. Using that do a search for your particular niche to find the audience questions and search terms. Once you find the great content idea, you can start creating video to that.
To get effective results for your contest from your videos, you have to target the visitors with specific content. Explain about your contest rules, benefits and prize offers in the video. Use creative photos and snippets to impress your audience. The other few factors to note is having great audio, music and lighting for your video.
From this you should understand that when you give good input, a great guiding and educating to your audience, you will surly get top class result from your videos. And you can say these videos are the top quality videos.
Hope you enjoy reading this post! Have any questions? Please inform us.