Effective Strategies to Increase LinkedIn Connections

There are many social media networking sites available online.

One of the popular networks is LinkedIn which has 400 plus million members.

This is fully based on business to find jobs and to find professional job seekers.

It works as a search engine and to get your business noticed you have to build your first degree connections.

Great, in this article we explain about the effective strategies to follow to increase LinkedIn connections.

1. Work Regularly

work regularly

To get success in any you have to be active as same as you have to post status updates often to show people as you are active on LinkedIn.

Posts should be useful to the audience so you can get more likes, shares and comments.

Don’t forget to interact with your new connections.

Visit their new updates and participate in comments to show your interest.

Always do comments to spread your business across the popular posts on your niche to get more visibility and connections.

And find new people on your niche and write them a perfect message with request to connect them.

You can use Hootsuite application to schedule your posts.

It saves your time so you can invest your time on improving your business.

2. Make Your Profile Perfect

Complete your profile with full information because people connecting with the accounts which look perfect.

  • Upload a clear looking profile picture.
  • Add your correct location to engage with your area people.
  • Add your skills, specials and awards.
  • On the experience section post your past and current job activities.
  • And add your contact details such as active email address and mobile number.

3. Share on Your Blog

linkedin follow

You should effectively use your existing blog visitors to get more LinkedIn connections.

How to do that?

Add a social media Facebook like button, Twitter share button as well as LinkedIn follow button.

When niche targeted people visit your LinkedIn page, the connections count will increase.

To get top results, place your LinkedIn follow button on your website top corner right side.

4. Find and Join on Popular Groups

Experts say to join as many groups possible because you will get numerous benefits from there for your business.

How to find?

You can use groups to share your content.

Use the search bar on LinkedIn and find the relevant niche people.

It means find groups which is similar to your niche as well as find groups where your target audience exist.

Sites like “toplinked.com” and “groupstojoin.com” help to find people who have interest to connect.

Here is more about toplinked:

  • It helps to find relevant useful groups from any top social media sites.
  • From our recent research, we found many people get lot benefits such as more linked connections, and business requests.
  • You can sign up easily to this site. To add your account, you can pay monthly or yearly.
  • The yearly option seems perfect for any business.
  • If you only looking for invite to download list, then you can simple sign up for free.There is an option to purchase points to become a top supporter. (More points = More popularity)

Here is YouTube video we found for toplinked review.

5. Host Online Contests

With your content post add a poll to interact with users.

To get more interact from your audience pick the best prize list.

Contests help effectively to reach more audience in short time period than any strategies.

Search for contests on sweepstakes directory and find your niche relevant contests to check your competitors contest.

Closely watch how your competitors run online contests and apply the same strategy to create the best online contest.

To get more connections you have to run contests regularly.

Remember these following factors when you host online contests:

  • Apply simple rules for participants to enter contests.
  • Choose niche relevant prizes and pick up to 5 winners.
  • Contest length should be ideally 1 week.
  • Use top applications like woobox and wavo to get custom features.
  • Find the best applications to apply filter again cheat votes.

6. Buy LinkedIn Connections

The above 5 methods work as effective as explained above.

But you have to invest your time because this is long term process and have to track everything perfect.

When you buy connections you can get them in 1 week.

It helps to make your profile looks perfect in short time period.


We are providing LinkedIn connections at affordable prices.

Please contact us to get pricing for your custom needs.


Effective Strategies to Increase LinkedIn Connections

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